2012年9月21日 星期五

20120921 忙而不亂 Turning in order chaos

今天又只寫一個簡單的。昨天回家,希望七至九聽收音機後,九時後吃飯,與媽媽說不如九點吃飯吧。而媽媽則表示她將於七時半煮飯。 於是八點食飯的時候,我忙我的聽耳筒,是有點不好但當時也不知道怎麼辦。 後來才留意到媽媽當晚要洗衣,所以不能太遲吃飯呢。 而媽媽見我吃飯時較忙,後來,於九時後她也把想與我說的說了。都是她重視的晒相、旅行等,也可能是她認為我有興趣和她談的吧。 最近,我自己除了因為省錢而不吃午飯,其實還有因為都沒有時間。每天靈修的時間佔用了午飯的時間,我又也沒有時間與其他人交流了,這樣的靈修是否只是紙上談兵了呢? 還有我鬰結於心的很多話,都不知道應該與誰說,而是我很怕我的細微牛角想法給人以一句「你想太多了」作為一個負面的反應,又我為什麼認為這是負面呢? I am undergoing two spiritual journals daily devotions. There are some overlapping, as to the creation of the world. Sometimes when I study bsf, given that it is for directly insight and knowledge (give chapter and verse) from the Bible, but I find that what I have learnt previously already form a "walking path" to understand the passage. When I read the integral mission, I find the teaching difficult to become touching as spritual devotion, but the good side is that I think I have absorbed those ideas already, otherwise I would not find them as if known. I feel very tired to chase after all these daily, weekly and monthly engagements, and who put them into my life (agenda, schedule, time)? Was it that I put it so that it looks like I am grasping God's word? But alternatively? Is there something beyond methods?

