2010年11月28日 星期日



2010年11月25日 星期四

偶遇 The sudden meet up

I was pausing my diary but I cannot skip today.
I met my better to best friend.
And then I went for drama rehersal. I met another actor on the way.
When I was going home, downstairs at home I met my brother.

2010年11月23日 星期二

20101123 靈修扎記 Spiritual Journal: 土地 Land

S for 經文 Scripture
19:1 為西緬支派的人、按着宗族、拈出第二鬮.他們所得的地業、是在猶大人地業中間.
19:2 他們所得為業之地、就是別是巴、(或名示巴)摩拉大、
19:3 哈薩書亞、巴拉、以森、
19:4 伊利多拉、比土力、何珥瑪、
19:5 洗革拉、伯瑪加博、哈薩蘇撒、
19:6 伯利巴勿、沙魯險、共十三座城、還有屬城的村莊.
19:1 And the second lot came forth to Simeon, even for the tribe of the children of Simeon according to their families: and their inheritance was within the inheritance of the children of Judah.
19:2 And they had in their inheritance Beersheba, and Sheba, and Moladah,
19:3 And Hazarshual, and Balah, and Azem,
19:4 And Eltolad, and Bethul, and Hormah,
19:5 And Ziklag, and Bethmarcaboth, and Hazarsusah,
19:6 And Bethlebaoth, and Sharuhen; thirteen cities and their villages:

O for 觀察 Observation
Each tribe inherited their cities and their villages (or countryside).

A for 應用 Application
Take care of the villages (or countryside), where it might be difficult to be named or described, but are part of life.

P for 禱告 Prayer
Lord, may all my life be in Your hand, and all my life following Your way, and even the smallest plot in my life let Your seeds planted and grow.

2010年11月22日 星期一

20101122 靈修扎記

路加福音 第一章61.他們說:你親族中沒有叫這名字的。

About: How to journal: http://www.enewhope.org/firststeps/journaling/

2010年11月19日 星期五

沙漏 Sand timer


Earlier I listened to 'love song' and I would like to take it for my singing competition.
And then I sang it to the singing contest centre staff cum friend lightly, and I even bored myself. Is it not a good choice of song?
Later I seeked help from a singer for interest. Then I was not going to join the contest due time conflict, but took the chance to get some insights for improvement. After getting valuable comments, I was also told that I am far from fair singing, and it burnt my fire for joining to some extend. (Also because two friends there were supportive to say would see me in the competition.)
Anyway I can practise singing no matter joining or not.
Today I practised. I thought over the lyrics and dropped tear. The Person On My Heart has left 'love song' for me, my blog. Earlier I was touched by the MV of this song and now I have my own story to tell.

2010年11月16日 星期二

困境 Stuck

Last Friday I was annoyed, because when I left my seat, the handle of my bag was holding the rail of the drawer. Then I changed the contents to another bag and moved on.
The bag was left in the drawer for these days.
Today I tried to be patient to bring the bag out.
Moral: 'Keep hands and head in the car.'

2010年11月15日 星期一

20101115 夢 Dream

This morning dreamt of short missionary trip. There were some water in front of a house and we chatted out testimonials casually.

2010年11月14日 星期日

跳躍 skip

Today due to sore throat, skipped morning services and mid sunday school, and directly went to practice rally. After that I went to my friend's spiritual home for visit.
Yesterday I was at the street from morning to night. At my friend's professional ceremony I met a colleague and a secondary schoolmate. In computer class I taught about crime and civil offence which one shall go to jail. After the quick dinner, I sing a song and had a light dinner.

2010年11月12日 星期五

20101112 夢 Dream

20101112 夢 Dream
I am placed under house arrest. But there was someone to be with me. And there is a large screen television for entertainment.

2010年11月11日 星期四

2010年11月9日 星期二

心無旁鶩 The heart without distractions

心無旁鶩 The heart without distractions
1 心懷掛念
今天一友人問我 'do you miss me' (其實是問另一題,但姑且以此寫blog。)
然後她說:I just ask this question in a joking way..
2 心意相通
3 心灰意冷
4 心意更新
一席話提醒我要重新將焦點對準 神。我把那寫了想忘記的事情的紙撕掉;下一張放在錢包的,會是金句了。
1 Miss missing in heart
Today a friend asked me, 'Do you miss me?' (In reality another question of similar nature, but be it for blog writing.)
I reflected seriously over whether I made her feel I am not missing her, and then I replied carefully.
But then, she said, 'I just ask this question in a joking way...'
Well, which made me heart breaking.
2 Connection of heart
During services sometimes we are asked to connect our hands, to visualize the congregation.
Last Saturday for one of the songs I felt holding hands is suitable, but I just invited my friend on one side but not on the other side the sister who I did not know.
After this song, my friend said she was also touched that the song should be holding hands when singing, and the Spirit has touched both of us the same.
They my pro-active was not bad. (And even if she did not think the same with me it is for sure not wrong.)
3 A sinking heart
Today there is an issue it is difficult to treat it wise.
Today there is an issue I have no wisdom to answer whether I can treat it.
Both are heavy to the heart. I am reflecting whether I am too pride.
4 Renewal of heart
Earlier I wanted to remember to forget and wrote a note in my wallet.
Last Thursday my friend saw it and asked whether the paper has Bible verse on.
I told the story and she counselled me that I should be honest to myself and prevent being bounded.
The conversation reminded me to focus again on God. I tore the reminder in pieces; the next card in my wallet would be Bible verses.

2010年11月8日 星期一

20101107早上的夢 Dream - 侃侃而談 Speak fluently


Dream on 20101107 morning - Speak Fluently
Someone talked about something about the pespectives of strength an weakness. I said, right, just like me that some newly met people noticed my beauty, while some first noticed my beauty spots. While I was speaking all about myself, the others felt boring and left one by one. However, as I have started, I kept ongoing until completed my opinion. The end (of my dream). While the comments about my face, I have started thinking about it for some time. It is interesting that its trial delivery is in my dream. This is a customized version of the story of 'A black spot on a white board'. ^_^

2010年11月4日 星期四

主持公道 (Take Off Sandal)

主持公道 Take Off Sandal
之前則有點開心,因為前往時一友人讚我長得漂亮像Mixed,還說我的男朋友可以扮有一個Mixed的女朋友。那麼我的男朋友應該直接找一個Mixed的女朋友,但通常讚美都是這樣的啦,而且我在推廣自己有一個Selling point也不錯。 
但星期一晚上睡覺仍是不好呢。星期二中午時談到愛情,我感到有點無助。這時我想起,我好像很愚拙,但幸好友人也耐心給我鼓勵和意見要確定心上人鍾意不鍾意我「如果不是你也要Move On架」。其中一個很入心「Don't take it too personal」。想到我的困難的道路,因為堅持自己的愚拙,但不知道是否其實是沒有智慧的愚拙還是因為順服的愚拙。但想不到讓我驚喜的是,在下午出現轉機,就是有一位代言人。呀,應該是真的發生了吧?雖然不是實在的現實。其實我最開心的不是鍾意不鍾意我,而是有沒有人明白我,所以這個情況看來是相當明白我了。但是我還未決定要做甚麼,或者有沒有時間花心思製作。究竟我是為了自己覺得有趣好玩而計劃我所想做的呢?還是真的考慮雙贏呢?不論是不鍾意然而在對事不對人的層面上,若我低調一點是否對方會好過些呢?但是這時我與人談話時發現平常我是一個好的聆聽者然而這時不斷在想表達自己的意見讓人明白,我立刻反省,這樣看來我的愛是多麼不夠,我多麼害怕受傷害。 

2010年11月3日 星期三

20101103 夢 Dream

然後看友人的blog,貼了一篇邀請人認識神的文章,在末處有一個graphic是將Happy Brithday結合1997的字,我看到了想,這篇網路流傳文章也蠻歷史悠久嘛﹗早於1997年就開始有了。
I had a good sleep yesterday.
The dream this morning. I was annoyed. I dreamt that I wanted to clear the games requests in facebook. I opened a similar game to FarmVille, and I played for 15 minutes and could not finish. Then I was so annoyed that I quitted the game.
After that I check friend's blog. There was a Gospel essay. Towards the end there was a graphic combining Happy Birthday with 1997. Then I was amazed, that this web essay has quite long history, as early as 1997 (when the internet was starting to be popular).

2010年11月2日 星期二

心機理論 The theory of my heart

心機理論 The theory of my heart
I have never thought of this. It is even more horrible than a bad dream. (Actually, not as bad.) When I woke up at 1am, it was because the promise that my heart made, that I can give love. How could it be? I got it all wrong. When I woke up I told myself that I am not getting it correct, and I want to get asleep soon. This made my today feeling distressed.