2012年4月11日 星期三

處處遊踪 Everywhere the tour

I treasure every moment of life. I waste every instance of time. What is worth and what is important, and when feeling is not the truth, may or maybe not.

1 則留言:

  1. I don't know if it is right to comment here. A little thought came out from my mind want to share with you. As I mentioned in the first day we met, I believe "decisions have been made before we made the decision" we spend our life to experience the grace God gave us. We do care the results so we play hard to achieve. How can we tell what is waste and what is not? We are walking to the vector time line in unidirection. There should have no regret and say thanks to every moment we are experiencing.

    On the other hand, it is not easy to let go in every moment. We would always fall into the situation that should we let go in the middle. I guess you may have this dilemma with uncertainty. Your experience and emotion would tell you how to do evenetually. Pray and believe. You would let go if you are "capable" to let go.
