2012年12月3日 星期一

20121203 邊界 Read on

有更多擁有或沒有我已經漸漸更沒有所謂了。 然而這是否代表我能欣然接受上帝給我的路? 讀創世記到亞伯拉罕,有點不能專心。 他跟隨上帝要他到的地方,要離開本族本鄉。 而我往上帝要我到的地方,是要離開我的現在的生活? 或是要放棄離開? 很難說。 不過我覺得我已好了不少。 不能說我已經不再自我中心。 但是也準備好,雖然我想逃避繁華。前幾天一度覺得明年就是應該到非洲一趟。 也準備好放下許多既定的想法。 很想遠離世俗,但是也許明年會多做一點世俗的事情。要練習不把信仰與生活割裂。 I am less rigid about what I must do as my calling. After all these years, I realized that it is that step that I cannot put to faith. The most defeat is that I can do nothing. But it is when I can do nothing I do not do everything in my way. It is something for me to look forward to. I am also finding that I do not have all the successful traits. Or even humble. But saying that I am not good is not to help. Turn the eyes before I go silent. And would it become another milestone?

