2010年11月3日 星期三

20101103 夢 Dream

然後看友人的blog,貼了一篇邀請人認識神的文章,在末處有一個graphic是將Happy Brithday結合1997的字,我看到了想,這篇網路流傳文章也蠻歷史悠久嘛﹗早於1997年就開始有了。
I had a good sleep yesterday.
The dream this morning. I was annoyed. I dreamt that I wanted to clear the games requests in facebook. I opened a similar game to FarmVille, and I played for 15 minutes and could not finish. Then I was so annoyed that I quitted the game.
After that I check friend's blog. There was a Gospel essay. Towards the end there was a graphic combining Happy Birthday with 1997. Then I was amazed, that this web essay has quite long history, as early as 1997 (when the internet was starting to be popular).

