Yesterday, I suddenly felt 'I know what the best is for me. Why am I still lingering around where I am not suitable?' The story is this. A friend told me that my lip cream exceeded from my mouth line. She notices that my lips were peeling, and we discuss a while about it. Recently I am using sheep oil (Taiwanese souvenir from my elder sister). I told her the most suitable for me is DHC. My friend told me that she also uses it, she said, ‘Olive oil, right?’ Exactly! I am reminded that recently there is no DHC because it is not handy; on the other hand the handy item I shall not waste it – and then suddenly came into my mind was a thought and feeling, ‘I know what my best is, but why shall I linger on the circle not suitable for me?’ I knew the DHC since my friend gave it as a souvenir from Japan, a year ago, and it is suitable enough for me, I understood at first use. Therefore I bought two sticks at my Japan trip. There is one shortcoming. It breaks and sticks on the lid. The gift received had not such problem but those two I bought had. It might be that at summer the heat dissolved it or that I broke it by dropping on the floor.
When my friend reminded me to keep the lip balm shall not be out of mouth line and to put on lip balm when the lip is peeling (or could be the current one is not suitable), I was a bit annoyed (to myself) that I should have this weakness discovered by others. However when I got the insight that ‘I know what the best to me is,’ I had a stable mind as if I had before.
Yesterday my friend asked me to barbecue. The date was familiar it seemed that I had something. I checked the schedule and realized that I was going to biking. The barbecue afterwards would fit the time. But when I have agreed to go, I remembered that biking could be followed by barbecue as it had before. On the first place it was the best to go barbecue with the biking friends, thus travelling is minimized. I just could not remember! Today I asked biking friends who told me that the barbecue was hotpot. However, the coming up one was not confirmed. Therefore I shall ask not, and shall go to the barbecue as agreed.
Yesterday the application form arrived. It lost the way before returning to place. It was the happiest piece of news yesterday.