2012年10月6日 星期六

20121006 是我的和不是我的 Mine and the Rest

剛編好星期一的時間表。 這才發現,參加了前往徐聞的旅程,我將會損失一次優先次序第一位的國際研經團契。 怎麼辦好呢? 其實也沒有什麼的,過了就過到的了。 昨天參觀活在當下相片展,就發現在中環街市有免費網絡。 到眾水之聲出隊的練習後,特意繞道到那裡下載電台節目錄音,於回家的路上就可以開始聽。 其實我每天想做的事都總比我會做的多。 而因為簡化生活,我開始很有保留地拍照了。 昨天看相片展就沒有拍。(究竟我有沒有認真欣賞相片,當時是那麼餓。) 前天愛樂之星來觸動合唱團,我也沒有拍照。不知道除了要拍合照,還有什麼表達我的珍惜? 分享的內容也有些以前沒有聽過,再一次想想要如何真實地轉變,原來還是沒有其他的辦法,除了讓耶穌改變我之外。 面對相同困難的環境,很困難但仍然好好地以愛回應。 若不是神的愛先充滿內心,做了之後就好像我以前一樣吧。 問自己若不認識自己的價值,什麼也不能作因為都是想用來證明自己的能力和價值。 不是沒有但若不是用正確的觀點是看不到的了。 前往這每月一次的練習之前,在寫看見證後的感想。真不想常常都要別人關注我的問題。但若沒有機會與任何一個人說我的難處,心情真的十分低落。 然而寫出來了,有點怕過於信任兄弟姊妹嗎? 答案卻浮現出來了。 休息。 歸回安息。 當然,還是會唱卡啦OK的。 Last week I claimed that I have no touching to China evangelism. At lunch time. So why are you putting the time and effort and holidays and money? The broader picture is that saying so actually I have passion on nothing. Maybe discipleship, because I really want "Christians" to be real "Christians", although sometimes I doubt so much about being tell the truth or any basis of reference point. I mean, it is the universal truth or adaptable variety? That leads me to learn more and study God's word, not only to take class, but also by heart. Whenever I think that the reading time that I would do during upcoming holidays or breaks or leisures, would that indicate my perference? It is interesting, to learn that I learn to make choices starting now (I mean, these two or three years). It is as simple but I must do it conciously. When I think of happiness, I miss Sardinia trip. I really miss every bits and all the goods and bads. Is it because of I am taken care of? Is it because of the good weather and the view and the landscape? Is it because it is a consumption rather than any work? I really long for a break, a holiday. Actually should be a rest. But I still want to communicate or not? Be the listener? Sorry about sharing my heart and mind and wasting your time?

