2012年8月14日 星期二

真正的台灣 The true Taiwan

昨天和今天的假期,由原先要與友人到台灣,到要將重心轉到家人關係提出與家人去峇里為名,然而又因準備不足,我也沒有擔任報團等重任,峇里之行的取消,也有想自個兒到台灣一轉,但當然時間也很緊迫,也沒有預留這樣的預算。最後選擇了新開位於希慎廣場的誠品書店一遊。這兩天在看書,是我真正想有的假期想做的事。當然,如果身在台灣或者峇里的飯店,悠閒地看書,是了,也可以在泰國,或也許在香港的迪士尼,也好。 I was really enjoy the time reading these two days, with in my opinion the true vacation element for me, i.e. book. Travel might add to it, and let me try it next time. Also, I want to be alone, although with companion who might stand me with these "time wasting reading" for travel is still good. Too much. Too little, my vacation ends, yet reading is still available ahead.

