2011年11月22日 星期二

20111122 夢 Dream

I had tea with friends. My drinks are yet to order, and they thought it was time to leave. I protested that I had not ordered drinks yet, but friends needed to go, so I left myself at the coffee shop for the order but was neglected. Later on, a customer took care of me, and I talked about my nap delaying the ordering of the drinks. The reply was, how could there be sleeping? I thought that there should be none too, but I felt it. I made a great effort to remember but finally failed. At this time my lover was there. He saw that I was around just like before, thus wanted to test me whether I was like before. However, I was really wanting to be back to the past but I held back. After that, his partner was present, and packed for leaving this tentative living place. Talking about the staying behind method, I frankly shared the past experiences without any worries about the past affecting the present.

