2011年10月31日 星期一

直覺、記憶與模糊邏輯 Intuition, memory and fuzzy logic

I rely on fading memory to complete my intuition of a friend’s wedding venue in Shenzhen. I had a new experience. Now I realized that I would not like adventure with others, because I am so much afraid of leading others the wrong way. I feel that I am a different person when I am along, when I am with a small group of one to five friend(s) or when I am with a large group of friends. At the large stone steps, a new place but reminds me the childhood memory of playground in my primary school, I had spiritual reflection same as the one in the morning. I stayed at the little plaza for packing and unpacking my heart and mind as well as my bag. When it was a bit chilly, I moved on to the wedding venue.

