I have collected many things. But I use just some of it.
I have a habit of throwing things. And deleting my past.
A male friends said that he worried that I will pick a relationship randomly, because I keep saying that I want to find another half. Now, after I want "I want nothing", it is as if this last want is meaningless. It doesn't matter anymore. I have been sensitive thus too misunderstanding or too cautious. But it doesn't matter anymore.
But there matter sometimes. When I put forward for a warm reminder before it was hot, it has been the rainbow in a cloudy day. You never know who might be more refreshed by the phone call. Maybe it was me in the end.
"If you are the one" was not one for me. Maybe in the future, maybe not, at least I did not want to see it as a compensation of taking too seriously the random suggestion.
The abovermentioned male friends said that I am too random that I am quite uncertain in my interests. This might scare away male friends because they don't want to make guess. It is preferred to be predictable. It is much better than cruelly and kindly, which I almost mistook it as his description of me.
I don't want to make guess either. Therefore I just speak out all my emotions, sometimes unaware of it writing on my face.
Sometimes, I write on facebook. (just kidding.)