上次短宣,離開時在車上大家陸續分享今次的感想與得著。而我所分享的,是我的過去,在此地。其實我真的不想,我覺得這樣太自我中心了,為甚麼不多說 神國的事呢?但我又真的很想說,因為終有一天我不再這麼自我中心了吧?
幾年前我開始想退休時我會做甚麼。我常常以為我會在雲南的山間,耕作,唱歌跳舞,教導 神的話。很難想像我是會農務的人?
Last time at the end of the short missionary trip when I should have been sharing God's grace in the two days, I told them about my history, there. I was thinking I should not be that self centred and shouldn't I instead spoke about God's kingdom? However, I really made the sharing, and the only compensation was to think that maybe one day I am no longer self centred.
Years ago I think of my retirement. I often mistaken that I would be in Yunnan mountains, farming, singing dancing, and teaching about God's words. Is it difficult to imagine my agricultural life?