2011年3月31日 星期四

K歌友情人 Last Minute Lyrics and Music

Yesterday I was very hardworking on a should do and want to do item. Completed and submitted before the deadline. However, no time for seeking opinion.
(Well, but the most should do item is still outstanding.)

2011年3月30日 星期三

漂亮的升呢和降呢 The uplevel and down-level of prettiness

Yesterday I practiced using contact lens.
Looking at the computer screen was tiredsome.
I was a little bit prettier.
Before that a friend reminded that I must not use glasses before getting a boyfriend, but after the boyfriend forms the impression that I am pretty I can change back to the original uglier glasses.
I think it might not be very good. My long time ago ex-boyfriend used this skill on me with shirts vs T-shirts. I felt being cheated and not being cherished enough after hearing his excuse that all shirts are lost when moving house.

2011年3月25日 星期五

此地無銀三百兩 See, there is no 300 silver coins here

上次短宣,離開時在車上大家陸續分享今次的感想與得著。而我所分享的,是我的過去,在此地。其實我真的不想,我覺得這樣太自我中心了,為甚麼不多說 神國的事呢?但我又真的很想說,因為終有一天我不再這麼自我中心了吧? 
幾年前我開始想退休時我會做甚麼。我常常以為我會在雲南的山間,耕作,唱歌跳舞,教導 神的話。很難想像我是會農務的人? 
Last time at the end of the short missionary trip when I should have been sharing God's grace in the two days, I told them about my history, there. I was thinking I should not be that self centred and shouldn't I instead spoke about God's kingdom? However, I really made the sharing, and the only compensation was to think that maybe one day I am no longer self centred.
Years ago I think of my retirement. I often mistaken that I would be in Yunnan mountains, farming, singing dancing, and teaching about God's words. Is it difficult to imagine my agricultural life?

2011年3月24日 星期四

平凡的麻煩 The ordinary trouble

I watched An Ordinary Man, the performance.
The most stunning was the Shenzhen trip and the voice mailbox, at the start.
At the scene of what should be remembered and what should be forgotten by a man, I was freezed. I hoped my observation description was not out of mind.
At my leisure time I really think about the distance of me and the next love relationship, but I cannot imagine it; take the love word in No String Attached, 'Your life is a mess.'
My unintentional subconscious solution was to add to my to do list but the last one was to choose a life without choice and I just repeat the one to two beloved activities with one to two trustful friends.

2011年3月23日 星期三

凡人的掙扎 The give up of struggle by an ordinary man

Yesterday after seeing the drama, I suddenly wanted a token of memory, and I bought the script of the play. I did not want to buy it to bring a rubbish to the flat, and all valuable things lost its place at my home, and then stayed as if rubbish. And I even also bought the combined published Pretense / Recycling Times. I hope that my language is enhanced after reading through. Actually I am not setting this aim. Well, my purchase was impulsive as usual.

2011年3月22日 星期二

魔髮奇緣 Tangled

Yesterday when I rented VCD, I also asked whether the Disney cartoon is out. The VCD rental shopkeeper told me that the timing is about 3 months. Good. I will then see it with my friend, who watched it and told me that I might like to see it, and also given that my hair is really long. We planned to watch in the cinema, but soon it was no longer on show. It is fine. Let us see the DVD.

2011年3月17日 星期四

哭泣與呼求 Crying out

歌唱班上一堂是教陳奕迅Crying In The Party。我對這首歌只有一點印象。唔知點解我覺得能夠治療因為日本地震和海嘯的難過,尤其是因為我對天災比較有點麻木的。 

Last singing class the song taught was Eason Chan Crying In The Party. I have just a little idea of this song. I do not know why it was just the mood for me to release my sadness towards the Japan earthquake and tsunami. It is especially for me who is more reserved and restrained or numb, to say.

2011年3月16日 星期三

遠行 Seat in the darkness for sleeping or prayer



Last Friday, my neighbor seat prepares the hymn of "Wherever He Leads I'll Go".
Incidentally my church also sings this song in the services.

But I don't think I am walking it. Say I want to study about God and can I see the Bible colleges all around? Just I do not put into action but just rely on random things such as the interruption of work. This is wrong for me to make it a condition of learning about God.
However, I admit that there is no calling for me, but I shall wait and seek further study about God as appropriate.
Anywhere that I must go or must not go?
I am satisfied in God that a lot that I like has happened or else I found out that those are not what I like so much.
The next place I go is Spain, and then maybe I sleep in the dark cabin in the ship, and then I might turn up for prayer with fasting.
And then when I get out of the darkness I will be willing to go to cell.
p.s. This song will appear again on Friday!

2011年3月15日 星期二

秋收冬藏 Autumn collection is hidden during Winter

Yesterday I was happy, that I completed my plan, and listened to the recording of Autumn Camp last year.
The autumn camp was held at the start of October. I skipped the third talk of the three, and at that time I made up my mind to listen to it later on. During winter the recording was still not ready, and I did not ask at the library for it for a while until last Thursday.
After that, I listened to it yesterday night. It has been half a year.
I recalled that at the last part of the camp, it was a goal setting activity, and the aims were written and kept at the church, and should be mailed to each attendant around this time? I want to receive this ‘Letter to future me’ so much!
Listening to the sermons, the first was the most impactful to me. I think I really ‘love not’ my mom. The cumulated coldness has been for long. I could not help but felt sorry for my behavior to her that contains anger. It is confirmed that I am angry when interact with her. I hope for change in me.
I want to be free and restore the relationship in harmony.
‘Focus not on my emotion but how I treat the person.’
A side issue, that I think of about ‘love not my mom’, that I ‘worry most’ is that if I cannot authentically thank my mom for bringing me up at my wedding in case? It is because on weddings the couples always thank the parents and the family for bringing them up.

2011年3月14日 星期一

器材 Fixture

Last Saturday morning I would like to take a picture together, but I do not have camera on hand. I have made the request, but I could say that I should not have asked, because it was a bit out of the theme.

2011年3月11日 星期五


I cannot just make it intentionally to the Thursday singing class but I think I should rather use Thursdays for the prayer meeting. Although in addition I am a little bit wanting to support Miss Total monthly singing classes on Thursday, which might not be systematic, and could it be thematic.

2011年3月9日 星期三

卡住 Card resident in my wallet


My friend is focusing on God. I see a line Colossians 3:23-24 good for her on a bookmark.
But she has the bookmark, so she'd rather let me keep it myself.
On the way in short missionary, she observed that I should keep God at the centre and this verse is also in my need.
Thus she returned the bookmark to me, given that she already has it at home.
My wallet has the previous verse, and it can hold two verses one after the other.
Today I look carefully and I felt that the previous one Proverb 3:5-6 would be more comfortable there. I hope it was not my self-will or cleverness.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6

2011年3月8日 星期二

抱抱俏佳人/完美嫁衣 Perfect Wedding

我相信我都是一樣吧,例如Iris Lam在fb祝福我會找到很愛很愛我的人,突然讓我覺得她很錫我,所以我感到很幸福,即使我知道不是她說有就有那位「很愛很愛我的人」。

Today I want to watch Perfect Wedding.
I watched. It is far from perfect. Only the ex-boyfriend had the best acting performance.
However, I would say I am Miriam Yeung’s fans.
Also today is 8 Mar Women’s Day. I want to celebrate by something special, maybe a movie.
There is some hanging in my life. Thus I choose a movie I was thinking seeing or not during it was on show, and I determined that it is not worth to watch even for VCD / DVD, but then I recently decided to watch. I watched. It was funny.
The only coincidence that surprised me is that the auction venue is Little Egret, the singing competition venue, and I recognized it only due to the ceiling luminary fixtures.
Well, but coincidences are very ordinary, and it happens often enough for me to be happy from time to time.
If it is similar to coincidences then I am cheerful.
When do I feel blissful? In the movie, the time that the main actress explicitly says she feels blissful, was when her sisters took care of and got busy about her.
I think I need similar, such that Iris Lam gave the blessings to me that I would find the most beloved loving other half of me, and I could just felt her caring to me. It could be what she said was not an anticipation.
How about coincidences? Recently I just had a safe adventure and I just got the random thought that whether I know the kind hearted indirectly. It is just thinking out of the box.
P.S.: Just that mom randomly said that Miriam Yeung has a similar voice with me, and mom said that when she was working in the kitchen she thought I was seeing my own recording. Oops, I just showed that I was relaxingly seeing movie when my mom was hard working on housework.

2011年3月7日 星期一

20110306 夢 Dream

There are some utensils including big bowls and a steaming rack for stacking up.

2011年3月4日 星期五

20110304 夢 Dream

心上人發現我掛念他而予以澄清一些fb status不是對我而是另有其人。
The person on my heart discovers that I miss him and thus clarifies the fb status is not to me but to someone else.
The scene changed. It is a venue with underwater lighting effect and a friend says it is more real than when diving. The venue has other effects.
I am standing at the venue for sight seeing or has some walking around. I do not bring along anything, and at a time I go back to my room for a suitable cloak.
The scene changed. It is a traditional street. My mom tells me which was delicious and which was her youth time favourite. We take a seat and have some, and I tells her who I am more kin to among her siblings.

2011年3月1日 星期二

20110301 夢 Dream

Similar to an adventure, and drawing of the people and event.