2014年11月14日 星期五


「1) 在你生活中最重要的人物是誰?為什麼? Who is the most important person in your life, and why?
我,? 神? 最具影響力,母親 」

「2) 在你生活中最想達成的夢想是什麼? What is the one dream for your life you most look forward to achieving?
愛神愛人? 完成神學課程? 結婚生子? 創業? 」 這個可能會update吧,當我最近重新發現書架是我家。

3) 在你生活中最容易使你生氣的是哪一個人?在哪種情況下,他或她會使你生氣? Who has the capacity to make you angrier than anyone else in your life, and what in particular does he or she do to make you angry?

4) 在你生活中最常使你感到被愛的是哪一個人?在哪種情況下,他或她會使你覺得如此被愛? Who has the capacity to make you feel loved more than anyone else in your life, and what in particular does he or she do to cause you to feel so lovable?
姐姐 送電腦
Acknowledge feeling & tum me

5) 更確切地講,你對自己在身體上、情緒上、精神上和靈性上的感覺如何? What is it like being you? More precisely, how do you feel about yourself - physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually?

6) When do you feel inspired? Who and what contribute to your sense of inspiration? How does it feel when you are inspired?
Every daily event.
happy time.

 7) What is the most important thing in the world to you?
understand how the world works.

8) If you had one day to live, how would you want to spend?
see the sunrise.
sleep enough.
eat something.
do reading or sewing at picturesque location.

9) When do you feel most afraid?
Not being loved. no use.
people make use of me.
no one to seek help.
not up to expectation.
No direction.

10) If you could accomplish only one thing during the rest of your life, what would it be?
Read all books.
write all blogs.
even when mom scold.
even when not love mom.
Even when no other half.
even when no friends.
even when no more piano.
mouth piece.
with glasses.
no one understand.
no communication with friends.

11) What bores you? What always bores you, and what never bores you?
Repetition. Telling lie and fake humility.
Repetition with variation. music. Drawing.

12) How important is money to you? How much time do you spend thinking about it, and what income level do you aspire to?
Not care. but i need it of course. otherwise do not know how to make money. 300 daily. plus. 3000 monthly. Plus 30000 annually. Plus 300000 in a life.

13) What is the role of God in your life? Do you believe there is a God, and if so, what is God like in relation to you?
I am seeking God.
what pleases God? My role model of living. my standard of justification and discernment. my source to be of joy and emotion.

14) In order, what are your three strongest interests?
1. care people
2. donate money
3. express my complaints.
4. know what is right or wrong.

15) Who is your biggest enemy, and precisely how and why did this person become your enemy?

16) How important is food to you? Do you think of it often, and do you feel disciplined in your management of food intake?

17) Does the idea of being married to the same person for the rest of your life sound appealing to you- or not so appealing? What is there about it that you would especially like or not like?

18) Do you think yourself as an emotionally healthy person? In what ways are you especially healthy, and in what ways could you use improvement?

19) What is the role of conflict in your life? Do you argue or fight very much with the people closest to you? How does it usually turn out for you?

20) What specifically would you like your closest friends to say about you at your funeral?